Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dream Story

This is a true Dream-story.....
I am Dreaming...
I hate snakes...
My mother gets me a magic snake...
This snake when small resembles a house fly
and when it grows a little it resembles an ant... Big black one
When it grows a little bigger it resembles a small snake...
The magic snake wanted to be ma frnd...
But I was frightened that it might enter my ears and I never used to play with it...
It was a very frndly one...
Its home in my house was a desk which replaced our dining table in ma dream...
Whenever my mom opened the desk the snakes came out and started playing with me... Like Due to my fear I used to run and thinking that I was playing with it, the snake would start following as if playing running and catching...
Then one day a baby came to my house and it was my small frnd's lunch time... I was afraid that something might happen to the babe and I took the baby in my hands
and started running along with it...My little frnd as usual thinking that as a play
time began to follow and play with me...
Then finally I tried hard and accepted it as my frnd.... little by little....
Then One final day My aunt and my little cousin brother came to ma house to see my frnd...
As I already told the little one was magical...
If we feed it with magical pills it would once again become snake-ant-fly....
And that's exactly wat my cousin did to my little frnd...
Made him feel too small once again...
This is the time I became too close to the little creature in my dream...
It felt very sad due to its very small structure and so I felt sad for it and became close
to it.... Feeding it with extra food and helping it to grow to the ant state...
It had some other magical pin-like structure on its head...
When I was trying to examine what exactly it was??????
Suddenly some LOUD voice...
You gotta go to school
Its getting late...
It was my Dad....
My Dream was discontinued...
I don't like incomplete stories...
But wat 2 do? I had to go to school....
So thinking abt ma little dream frnd I left for ma school.....

Howz my Dream story... Hope u enjoyed it!!!!!!